UDC index:
801.733; 130.2
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Information about authors: Rakhmatova Alisa Mukhamatovna, Instructor, Department of Literature and Russian, Kemerovo State University of Сulture (Kemerovo, Russian Federation). E-mail:
Annotation: Culture of the 19th-20th centuries is transitional in the context of perception and creation of the image of man. The image of a person in various spheres of thought in a given era is represented by a non-integral one. This was largely promoted by works on culturology, philosophy and aesthetics in general. A striking example are the works of S. Freud, C. Jung devoted to the description of the human psyche from the point of view of its heterogeneity. N. Berdyaev notes the process of “the death of a holistic human image”, characteristic for the late 19th century. Thus, the topic of the non-integrity of the human image is vividly manifested in the literature relating to the poetics of modality (Broytman). The most representative for the expression of this topic are images of bodily objectifi cation. This type of images is manifested in the literary works of this poetics, as of the classical stage, and so non-classical stage. This article discusses the features of the works of F. Dostoyevsky’s “the Double”, which embodies the features of the transition to the non-classical stage of the poetics of modality. The texts relating to non-classical lyrics (Broytman) are also considered in the work. The bodily objectifi cation is characterized by features of the character’s axiological position. The body placed in the horizon of the character / lyric character, in certain cases, is objectifi ed by him, is assessed by him in opposition to another / other sphere / spheres of his being, which illustrates the non-integrity of the image of the character / lyric character.
Keywords: culture, era, the image of a non-integrity person, the poetics of modality, non-classical art, images of bodily objectifi cation.
Article ID in the RSCI:
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Information about authors: Rakhmatova Alisa Mukhamatovna, Instructor, Department of Literature and Russian, Kemerovo State University of Сulture (Kemerovo, Russian Federation). E-mail:
Annotation: Culture of the 19th-20th centuries is transitional in the context of perception and creation of the image of man. The image of a person in various spheres of thought in a given era is represented by a non-integral one. This was largely promoted by works on culturology, philosophy and aesthetics in general. A striking example are the works of S. Freud, C. Jung devoted to the description of the human psyche from the point of view of its heterogeneity. N. Berdyaev notes the process of “the death of a holistic human image”, characteristic for the late 19th century. Thus, the topic of the non-integrity of the human image is vividly manifested in the literature relating to the poetics of modality (Broytman). The most representative for the expression of this topic are images of bodily objectifi cation. This type of images is manifested in the literary works of this poetics, as of the classical stage, and so non-classical stage. This article discusses the features of the works of F. Dostoyevsky’s “the Double”, which embodies the features of the transition to the non-classical stage of the poetics of modality. The texts relating to non-classical lyrics (Broytman) are also considered in the work. The bodily objectifi cation is characterized by features of the character’s axiological position. The body placed in the horizon of the character / lyric character, in certain cases, is objectifi ed by him, is assessed by him in opposition to another / other sphere / spheres of his being, which illustrates the non-integrity of the image of the character / lyric character.
Keywords: culture, era, the image of a non-integrity person, the poetics of modality, non-classical art, images of bodily objectifi cation.