Сhief editor

Doctor of Philology, Associate Professor, Rector of the Kemerovo State Institute of Culture
Shunkov Alexander Viktorovich


Current release

DOI: 10.31773/2078-1768-2021-63
from 23.06.2023

release 63

The journal is included in the List of Russian peer-reviewed scientific journals and publications of the Higher Attestation Commission

Posted in electronic library systems: National digital resource “Rukont", “ibooks.ru”, “IPRbooks”

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Indexed in Open Academic Journals Index and Google Scholar

Included in the scientific electronic library ”CyberLeninka", built on the paradigm of open science (Open Science)

It is reflected on the largest Russian information portal - the scientific electronic library eLibrary.RU and included in the RSCI

Bulletin of KemGUKI

It has been published since 2006 and publishes research on topical issues of culture, education, science, creativity, and social development

A publication that publishes the results of theoretical and applied research in the following scientific areas:

  • culturology;
  • art history;
  • pedagogical sciences

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The subscription index of the journal "Bulletin of the Kemerovo State University of Culture and Arts" is 12241, the catalog "Russian Post".

ISSN of the journal "Bulletin of the Kemerovo State University of Culture and Arts" 2078 - 1768.

Subscription to the magazine for residents of other regions upon request to vestnikkemguki@yandex.ru

It is possible to purchase the journal in one copy upon request at vestnikkemguki@yandex.ru

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