Release №41/1
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- CULTURAL HERITAGE IN THE LIGHT OF MODERN HUMANITARIAN APPROACHES heritage, memory, cultural heritage, cultural memory, humanitarian approaches.
- DIALOGUE OF CULTURES THROUGH CREATIVITY: PAINTING OF CHINESE MASTERS WHO WERE PUPILS OF RUSSIAN ARTISTS-EMIGRANTS IN CHINA IN THE 20TH CENTURY dialogue of cultures, Han Jingsheng, Sun Yuntai, Gao Mang, Wang Tongzhen, Russian artistsemigrants, fi ne arts.
- SPACE AND ITS BORDERS IN THE “DESCRIPTION OF THE SELECTED VILLAGES” (T’AENGNIJI, 1751) BY LI CHUNG-HWAN Korea, Joseon, “Description of the Selected Villages,” “T’aengniji”, Li Chung-Hwan, sacred geography, cultural space.
- THE ARISTOTLE’S APATHETIC THEOLOGY God, apophatic, the Divine Nous, the First Cause, Heaven, matter, cosmology, antinomy, dialectic, potency, infi nity, quantity, change.
- PRINCIPLES OF “NAPEVKA” FORMATION IN THE OLD BELIVERS’, LITURGICAL PRACTICE Russian Orthodox Old Believers Church, liturgical chants of Old Believers, melodic model, liturgical canon, napevkа.
- CRISIS OF AXIOSPHERE OF DOMESTIC CULTURE DURING PERESTROIKA AS “PRESENTIMENT” OF CIVIL WAR axiosphere of culture, value, perestroika, Post-Soviet, cultural science, history, sociological poll, synergetic system.
- LONG WHARF THEATRE, A NON-PROFIT THEATRE OF THE UNITED STATES Long Wharf, regional drama theaters, Erwin Brown, Yale Drama School, New Haven.
- THE IMAGE OF A NON-INTEGRITY PERSON IN THE CULTURE OF THE 19-20TH CENTURIES (FROM DOSTOYEVSKY TO NONCLASSICAL LYRICS) culture, era, the image of a non-integrity person, the poetics of modality, non-classical art, images of bodily objectifi cation.
- MODERN CONTROL METHODS THE EFFECTIVENESS OF TRAINING ACTIVITIES OF STUDENTS AND TEACHERS IN LEARNING DANCE DISCIPLINES control methods, results, formation, students, quality assessment, system, choreography, achievement.
- CULTURAL AND NATURAL LANDSCAPES OF MODERN CRIMEA: FEATURES AND TYPOLOGY natural landscape, cultural and natural landscape, typological features, typology of cultural and natural landscapes of the Crimea.