UDC index:
УДК 793.31
Article ID in the RSCI:
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Information about authors: Paliley Aleksandr Vasilyevich, PhD in Pedagogy, Associate Professor, Professor at the Department of Choreographic Art, Dean of the Faculty of Choreography, Kemerovo State University of Culture (Kemerovo, Russian Federation). E-mail: Buratynskaya Svetlana Veniaminovna, Associate Professor, Department Chair of Choreographic Art, Kemerovo State University of Culture (Kemerovo, Russian Federation). E-mail:
Annotation: The article deals with the problems of professional development of students of choreographic faculties of universities of culture at the present time, which are in close relationship with the essence and content of choreographer and pedagogical activity and depend on the basic laws of the pedagogical process of professional training of future choreographers. The author suggests approaches to solving the issue of professional and pedagogical training the students, including the method of sustained interest in it, a tendency to engage in various types of choreographic activity, which embodies the specifics of the profession, awareness of the fact that the professional capacity of a person is fully manifested. The ways of creative individuality of ballet masters, heads of choreographic amateur groups with high figurative and abstract thinking, owning ways of expressing the ideas of the future creative work through pedagogical methods of transmitting their knowledge and skills to future performers are revealed. The stages of creating the choreographic statement based on the laws of compositional construction are considered: the emergence of the “concept” of choreographic work, collection, accumulation and processing the material, genre-style definition, construction of a composition plan, work with musical material, composition of lexical material, creation of lexical structure, production and rehearsal work, performance of choreographic composition on the stage for the audience, analysis of the created work, taking into account the emotional hydrochloric culture performers.
Keywords: choreographer, teacher-choreographer, professional activity, student, faculty, orientation, image, method, content.
Article ID in the RSCI:
Article file: Download
Information about authors: Paliley Aleksandr Vasilyevich, PhD in Pedagogy, Associate Professor, Professor at the Department of Choreographic Art, Dean of the Faculty of Choreography, Kemerovo State University of Culture (Kemerovo, Russian Federation). E-mail: Buratynskaya Svetlana Veniaminovna, Associate Professor, Department Chair of Choreographic Art, Kemerovo State University of Culture (Kemerovo, Russian Federation). E-mail:
Annotation: The article deals with the problems of professional development of students of choreographic faculties of universities of culture at the present time, which are in close relationship with the essence and content of choreographer and pedagogical activity and depend on the basic laws of the pedagogical process of professional training of future choreographers. The author suggests approaches to solving the issue of professional and pedagogical training the students, including the method of sustained interest in it, a tendency to engage in various types of choreographic activity, which embodies the specifics of the profession, awareness of the fact that the professional capacity of a person is fully manifested. The ways of creative individuality of ballet masters, heads of choreographic amateur groups with high figurative and abstract thinking, owning ways of expressing the ideas of the future creative work through pedagogical methods of transmitting their knowledge and skills to future performers are revealed. The stages of creating the choreographic statement based on the laws of compositional construction are considered: the emergence of the “concept” of choreographic work, collection, accumulation and processing the material, genre-style definition, construction of a composition plan, work with musical material, composition of lexical material, creation of lexical structure, production and rehearsal work, performance of choreographic composition on the stage for the audience, analysis of the created work, taking into account the emotional hydrochloric culture performers.
Keywords: choreographer, teacher-choreographer, professional activity, student, faculty, orientation, image, method, content.