
UDC index: УДК 378
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Information about authors: Tretyakov Andrey Leonidovich, Master of Library and Information Activities, Senior Instructor, Department of Preschool Education, Moscow State Regional University (Moscow, Russian Federation). E-mail:

Annotation: The modern world is characterized by innovation and the constant challenges of society, it requires the inclusion in the solution of socially significant problems of various institutions, highlighting the education. In this regard, modern education should form the conditions for the future development of new generations that need formation of functional literacy, a segment of which is information competence. This was the starting point for a writing devoted to the analysis of formation of information competence in the context of modern additional education. It is important to emphasize that this work in a significant format is aimed at students of grades10-11, since it is a school period that represents one of the strategic stages in the formation of a vital and professional trajectory, and in this case information competence can act as an important descriptor for building the social practice for youth. A significant vector of research is formed in the mainstream of the theory of cyber socialization and the emergence of a new scientific direction in pedagogical theory and educational practice, the Internet socialization of users. Among the normative legal educational landscape, the following documents have been analyzed: the Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation,” the Concept for the Development of Additional Education for Children and the Federal State Educational Standard of General Education. Based on the analysis of these documents, their meaning-forming mission is defined in the formation of information competence of students. The work presents a modern situation, characterized by a wide range of psychological and pedagogical approaches in education. In conclusion, a theoretical summary is presented reflecting the need to focus on the competence approach and the formation of information competence in modern complementary education.

Keywords: information competence, additional education, segment, formation, conditions for future development, social and professional tests and life trajectory, students, general education organization.

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ISSN of the journal "Bulletin of the Kemerovo State University of Culture and Arts" 2078 - 1768.

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