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УДК 39
Article ID in the RSCI:
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Information about authors: Paliley Aleksander Vasilyevich, PhD in Pedagogy, Professor, Dean of Faculty of Choreography, Kemerovo State University of Culture (Kemerovo, Russian Federation). E-mail: Bochkareva Natalya Ivanovna, Associate Professor of Department of Folk Dance, Kemerovo State University of Culture (Kemerovo, Russian Federation). E-mail:
Annotation: The article deals with the education of young people in the history of their homeland, culture, traditions and customs, their ideals and values. The appeal to the Cossacks as a phenomenon of history and culture in the aspect of methodology justifies the significance of the Cossack idea as a source of development of national consciousness of younger generation. Today in the domestic education, the axiological vector is actively understood and finds concrete embodiment in pedagogical practice, in which the methodology is aimed at the acquisition of personal meanings, ideals, values, mental stereotypes in the relevant cultural and historical environment. This, in turn, actualizes the search for traditional cultural models and the creation of pedagogical concepts based on the successive transfer of socio-cultural experience within the national tradition in the Russian educational system. With the revival of the Cossacks of Russia, its historical and cultural traditions, the question naturally arose of working on the expressive means in the directing work of choreographers in amateur collectives, search for new themes, ideas, dance forms and genres in modern conditions. The professional and creative activity of the choreographer in ensembles of folk dance, creative collectives of the song and dance direction, regional folklore groups, including ensembles whose repertoire is based on the traditions of Cossack culture, provides for compulsory knowledge in the field of ethno-choreography, folk ritual and festive culture of peoples living in Russia and abroad in order to authentically embody in the choreographic rooms the historically established dance traditions, is based on folk festivals and ceremonies. Folk dance art, based on genuine Cossack culture, promotes the development of spiritual culture, creative abilities, influences the formation of the world view, promotes the harmonious development of an individual, the formation of a civil-patriotic position.
Keywords: cultures, cultural traditions, ceremonies, customs of Cossacks, home education, pedagogical conceptions.
Article ID in the RSCI:
Article file: Download
Information about authors: Paliley Aleksander Vasilyevich, PhD in Pedagogy, Professor, Dean of Faculty of Choreography, Kemerovo State University of Culture (Kemerovo, Russian Federation). E-mail: Bochkareva Natalya Ivanovna, Associate Professor of Department of Folk Dance, Kemerovo State University of Culture (Kemerovo, Russian Federation). E-mail:
Annotation: The article deals with the education of young people in the history of their homeland, culture, traditions and customs, their ideals and values. The appeal to the Cossacks as a phenomenon of history and culture in the aspect of methodology justifies the significance of the Cossack idea as a source of development of national consciousness of younger generation. Today in the domestic education, the axiological vector is actively understood and finds concrete embodiment in pedagogical practice, in which the methodology is aimed at the acquisition of personal meanings, ideals, values, mental stereotypes in the relevant cultural and historical environment. This, in turn, actualizes the search for traditional cultural models and the creation of pedagogical concepts based on the successive transfer of socio-cultural experience within the national tradition in the Russian educational system. With the revival of the Cossacks of Russia, its historical and cultural traditions, the question naturally arose of working on the expressive means in the directing work of choreographers in amateur collectives, search for new themes, ideas, dance forms and genres in modern conditions. The professional and creative activity of the choreographer in ensembles of folk dance, creative collectives of the song and dance direction, regional folklore groups, including ensembles whose repertoire is based on the traditions of Cossack culture, provides for compulsory knowledge in the field of ethno-choreography, folk ritual and festive culture of peoples living in Russia and abroad in order to authentically embody in the choreographic rooms the historically established dance traditions, is based on folk festivals and ceremonies. Folk dance art, based on genuine Cossack culture, promotes the development of spiritual culture, creative abilities, influences the formation of the world view, promotes the harmonious development of an individual, the formation of a civil-patriotic position.
Keywords: cultures, cultural traditions, ceremonies, customs of Cossacks, home education, pedagogical conceptions.