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Information about authors: Steynmiller Ilya Olegovich, Postgraduate, Department of Philosophy and History of Science, Belgorod State Institute of Arts and Culture (Belgorod, Russian Federation). E-mail:

Annotation: In this article, the author attempts to develop mechanisms of propaganda and popularization of the peripheral theater as an integrator of the socio-cultural integrity of the Russian society, substantiates its place and role as an actual resource that contributes to the national consolidation and strengthening of the spiritual security of Russia. At the same time, the reflection of theater and theatrical creativity as a “stage of civil dispute,” as a popular society of historical cultural practice, forming the aesthetic paradigms of a particular era, society and the individual. It is explained that in such a perspective the phenomenon of theater and theatrical art harmoniously “fits” into a certain cultural horizon of society and a person. The author considers a way of search of the valuable reference points of the person ascending to the history of culture which carry out the consolidating mission on preservation of a spiritual core of people. The theater is regarded as an art form and the theater as a “Temple,” as a kind of cultural. For this purpose, it is planned to carry out the following types of work: study of the main historical and cultural approaches to the phenomenon of peripheral theater, as a part of Russian history and culture; analysis of Genesis, evolution, forms of peripheral theater in the Russian cultural space; justification of the nature and importance of this type of theater in the history of Russian culture and Russian society; study of the dynamics of its demand; determination of the potential of the peripheral theater as a generator and battery of spirituality of Russian society in the formation of a single national cultural space.

Keywords: culture, art, theatre, peripheral cultural integrity, Russian society, spiritual sphere, mechanisms of promotion, cultural practices.

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ISSN of the journal "Bulletin of the Kemerovo State University of Culture and Arts" 2078 - 1768.

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