
UDC index: 811.161.1’1
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Information about authors: Antipov Aleksandr Gennadyevich, Dr of Philological Sciences, Professor, Professor of Department of Literature and Rusian Language, Kemerovo State University of Culture (Kemerovo, Russian Federation). E-mail: Rybnikovа Elena Evgenyevna, PhD in Philology, Associate Professor, Department Chair of Literature and Russian Language, Kemerovo State University of Culture (Kemerovo, Russian Federation). E-mail:

Annotation: The article features the language and style of letters from the front of the Great Patriotic War. Defining the objectives of linguacultural description of the frontline epistolary regional studies and its value as an object of modern functional linguistics. The purpose of this article is to describe frontline epistolary in linguistic and cultural aspect, and define the tasks of the linguistic and cultural descriptions of the front epistolary as an object of modern functional linguistics. The relevance of the article is that the authors first proposed a comprehensive methodology for the study of this unique linguistic material, which allows analysis in different aspects to perform as a written speech culture in this complex and tragic period of our history and to experience the psychological state of the characters in Kuzbass, to understand what determined their spiritual essence. As the source studies were not randomly selected letters from Kuzbass, since in addition to linguistic and cultural information, they are spiritual and moral, particularly characteristic of Siberians in war and gives the opportunity to trace the dynamics of different levels of the Russian language on a specific time interval. In the study, the authors came to the conclusion that the frontline epistolary is an invaluable source for the study of linguistic norms of the Russian language of the mid-twentieth century is very important and interesting from the point of view of functional stylistics, Russian genre studies within the context, discourse and psycholinguistic directions in the study of the Russian text, as well as ontologic phenomenon.

Keywords: Russian cultural linguistics, front epistolary, epistolary discourse, linguastilistic standards.

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ISSN of the journal "Bulletin of the Kemerovo State University of Culture and Arts" 2078 - 1768.

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