
UDC index: 008
DOI: 10.31773/2078-1768-2019-48-38-42..
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Information about authors: Balabanov Pavel Ivanovich, Dr of Philosophical Sciences, Professor, Professor of Department Philosophy, Law and Socio-political Disciplines, Kemerovo State University of Culture (Kemerovo, Russian Federation). E-mail: Basalaeva Oksana Gennadyevna, PhD in Philosophy, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of Department Philosophy, Law and Sociopolitical Disciplines, Kemerovo State University of Culture (Kemerovo, Russian Federation). E-mail:

Annotation: Designing activity is a set of different types of designing that exist and function in various activities as their internal component. Socio-cultural designing is aimed at the development of people’s creative activity in the field that unites social and cultural activities. Links between different types of designing are carried out through the transmission of values and methods, as well as through intra-communication relations in society and culture through social and cultural institutions. Cultural dynamics and the separation of the cultural process is studied by different sciences. The beginning that unites them, the person and his activity, is overlooked. Currently, there are attempts to unite society, culture and man in the anthropo-sociocultural genesis. The problem lies in the variety of definitions of culture, which are more than a hundred, depending on the point of view and approaches of different authors. In sociocultural designing, culture is understood as a specific way of organizing and developing the human life activity, represented in the products of material and spiritual production, in the system of social norms and institutions, in spiritual values, in aggregate of people’s attitudes to nature, among themselves and to themselves. By now, three approaches to the modeling of project action have emerged: activity, technology and inventive search. The most effective is the activity interpretation of the project action. Any human activity is based on the system of values, ideals, attitudes and life concepts that determine the significance of its result for the individual. Sociocultural designing involves the intervention in the life processes of real people, the impact on the individual and social groups. Therefore, understanding of the existing value-normative attitudes is very important for the successful development and implementation of projects.

Keywords: culture, project activity, sociocultural designing, values, meanings.

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