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- HORROR AS A GENRE OF THE DRAMA PERFORMANCE: “BEFORE SUNSET” IN NOVOSIBIRSK THEATRE “OLD HOUSE” performance, horror, Gerhart Hauptmann, “Before Sunset,” theatre
- MODERN CHOREOGRAPHY IN DRAMA (ON THE BASE OF PERFOMANCES OF KEMEROVO A. LUNACHARSKY DRAMA THEATRE) drama performance, modern choreography, a dance fragment, stage text, improvisation, an art image, body plastic
- ABOUT USE OF “MUSICAL” TERMINOLOGY IN DESCRIBING THE BIRD SINGING IN BIOACOUSTIC STUDIES “music principles” in birdsong, bioacoustics, minimalism, repetition and variation in a musical form, folk music, “music” of natives
- PECULIARITIES OF THE TRADITIONAL SERVICE OF THE OLD BELIEVERS-SEMEISKIE Russian Orthodox Old Believers Church, liturgical chants of Old Believers, liturgical practice of old believers, all-night vigil, liturgical canon
- ARTISTIC INTERPRETATION AS AN IMPORTANT COMPONENT OF A CONDUCTOR’S PERFORMANCE performer’s skills, conducting talent, musical impulses, manual technique of the conductor, psychomotor system
- TWENTY-FOUR PRELUDES AND FUGUES BY D.D. SHOSTAKOVICH IN ASPECT EVOLUTIONS OF AUTHOR’S STYLE polyphony, melodic types, musical images, texture, creative traditions, genres, intertextual relations, musical semantics
- COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF THE TWO VARIANTS OF THE SECOND VERSION OF RACHMANINOFF’S FIRST PIANO CONCERTO Sergei Rachmaninoff, Piano Concerto No. 1, Revised (Second) Version, comparative analysis of the versions
- NATIONAL CHOIR MUSIC ESTABLISHMENT IN CHINA IN THE FIRST PART OF THE 20TH CENTURY choral score, polyphony, music-song, national style, mass singing, choral song, cantata, oratorio
- THE INFLUENCE OF CULTURAL ROTATION ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF MUSICAL LIFE IN KEMEROVO REGION IN THE YEARS OF THE GREAT PATRIOTIC WAR Kemerovo region, cultural rotation, musical life, musical infrastructure, musical art
- THE SOUL OF RUSSIAN CULTURE: TO THE CONCEPT DEFINITION soul, Russian soul, the soul of Russian culture, mentality, Russian national character, Russian mentality, metaphysical, historical, Faust soul, Magic soul, Apollo soul, presymbol soul of Russian culture